
Patanjali Rajat bhasma, 2gm
It is useful in epilepsy, gastric troubles and muscle problems. The material is treated, with the fl..
Patanjali Shankh bhasma, 5gm
For stomach related ailments, indigestion, swelling in stomach, it is beneficial. The material is tr..
Patanjali Shila sindoor, 1gm
Beneficial in respiratory diseases. Kupipakva" medicines prepared with described rituals. The prepar..
Patanjali Sphatik bhasm, 5gm
Excessive bleeding, cough, breath related troubles, ulcer suppressive and helps in stopping nose ble..
Patanjali Swarna makshik, 5gm
Beneficial in Anemia, jaundice, insomnia, joint weakness, demopathy and chronic fever. The material ..
Patanjali Tal sindoor, 1gm
Advantageous in respiratory problems and skin diseases. Kupipakva" medicines prepared with described..
Patanjali Tamra bhasma, 1gm
It is beneficial in cancer, tumor, any type of gland and stomach related diseases. The material is t..
Patanjali Tankan bhasma, 5gm
Beneficial in cough, cold, chill and problems, when teeth grow to the children. The material is trea..
Patanjali Trivang bhasma, 5gm
Beneficial in diabetes, male and female related sperm and ovam problems and also urine related probl..
Patanjali Vang bhasma, 5gm
Beneficial in diabetes, urine related diseases and impotency. The material is treated, with the flui..