

Arjun Chaal Powder Jain

Arjun Chaal Powder Jain

In Ayurveda Arjuna has been described as a very significant cardiotonic herb. In ayurveda cardiac di..


Patanjali Ajmodadi churna, 100gm

Patanjali Ajmodadi churna, 100gm

Useful in Arthritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joints pain & Swelling.   ..


Patanjali Amla churna, 100gm

Patanjali Amla churna, 100gm

Useful in Eye Disorders, Epistaxis, Hyperacidity & Constipation.   ..


Patanjali Amla rasayan, 100gm

Patanjali Amla rasayan, 100gm

Amla rasayanam chakre brahma varshsahasrikam. Jaravyadhiprashamanam buddhindriyabalpradam. Bhavantya..


Patanjali Ashwagandha churna, 100gm

Patanjali Ashwagandha churna, 100gm

Useful in Stress, Fatigueness, General debility, Nerve weakness, Insomnia, Loss of wieght etc.. &ens..


Patanjali Avipattikar churna, 100gm

Patanjali Avipattikar churna, 100gm

Beneficial in acidity, indigestion and constipation. Different herbs and other materials of ayurveda..


Patanjali Bakuchi churna, 50gm

Patanjali Bakuchi churna, 50gm

Beneficial in white leprosy, skin diseases and vitiligo problems. Different herbs and other material..


Patanjali Bilwadi churna, 100gm

Patanjali Bilwadi churna, 100gm

Beneficial in diarrhea, dysentery, mucus and weakness in intestines. Different herbs and other mater..


Patanjali Divya churna, 100gm

Patanjali Divya churna, 100gm

Different herbs and other materials of ayurveda importance are refined to form powder. Base, salt an..


Patanjali Gangadhar churna, 50gm

Patanjali Gangadhar churna, 50gm

Beneficial in loose motions, dysentery and diahorrea problems. Different herbs and other materials o..


Patanjali Gashar churna, 100gm

Patanjali Gashar churna, 100gm

Different herbs and other materials of ayurveda importance are refined to form powder. Base, salt an..


Patanjali Haridrakhand, 100gm

Patanjali Haridrakhand, 100gm

The medicine Haridrakhand is prepared of ayurvedic herbs like turmeric, myrobalan and others and it ..


Patanjali Haritki churna, 100gm

Patanjali Haritki churna, 100gm

Beneficial in constipation, indigestion and other abdomen related diseases. Different herbs and othe..


Patanjali Lavan bhaskar churna, 100gm

Patanjali Lavan bhaskar churna, 100gm

Useful in Dyspepsia, Constipation & other Gastric disorders.   ..


Patanjali Panchkol churna, 50gm

Patanjali Panchkol churna, 50gm

Beneficial in nausea, indigestion, colic, cold, cough, fever, body pain and loss appetite. Different..


Showing 1 to 15 of 24 (2 Pages)